Synopsis: Oz the Great and Powerful is a family fantasy adventure movie starring James Franco, Mila Kunis, Rachel Weisz, and Michelle Williams. Oscar Diggs (James Franco) is an illusionist and con-man from a small town in Kansas. Travelling with a circus, Oscar masquerades as a great and powerful wizard named Oz. He seduces beautiful women … Continue reading I Might Not Actually be a Wizard: My Thoughts on “Oz the Great and Powerful”
Red Bull (Red, Blue, and Silver Edition)
Red Bull recently came out with three new energy drink flavors. The Silver Edition is lime flavored. The lime wasn’t tart, like a warhead or an actual shot of lime juice, but subtle like the taste of a lime squeezed over tortilla chips. For an energy drink, Red Bull Silver edition was rather smooth which surprised … Continue reading Red Bull (Red, Blue, and Silver Edition)
Musical Muse: Imagine Dragons
My current musical muse is an indie and alternative rock band called Imagine Dragons. I discovered the band through several different avenues of music listening. First, I heard the song “It’s Time” on the radio. Second, I heard the song “Radioactive” in The Host movie trailer. After discovering these two songs, I then looked up the … Continue reading Musical Muse: Imagine Dragons
The World Will Break Your Heart Ten Ways to Sunday: My Thoughts on “The Silver Linings Playbook”
Synopsis: The Silver Linings Playbook is a romantic comedic drama starring Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence. Against doctor recommendation and without the knowledge of her husband, Dolores (Jackie Weaver) removes her son Pat (Bradley Cooper) from the psychiatric institution where he has spent the last eight months. Pat moves back in with his parents and, in order … Continue reading The World Will Break Your Heart Ten Ways to Sunday: My Thoughts on “The Silver Linings Playbook”
Banana Cream Pie Frappuccino
I originally stumbled upon secret Starbucks recipes through Pinterest. However, recently I landed on a website dedicated solely to Starbucks Secret Recipes. You can find all sorts of recipes for indulgent frappuccinos on this site. I have decided to try some of these recipes and post my findings here. This process has been made slightly … Continue reading Banana Cream Pie Frappuccino
God Gives us What we can Handle, Even if we Don’t Believe it Ourselves: My Thoughts on “Beautiful Creatures”
Beautiful Creatures was one of those movies that pulled me in with the trailer. The trailer stayed in my mind for weeks…and weeks. When a trailer plays over and over in my mind, I know I’m a goner. For instance, I saw The Woman in Black because of its trailer, and I absolutely HATE horror movies. … Continue reading God Gives us What we can Handle, Even if we Don’t Believe it Ourselves: My Thoughts on “Beautiful Creatures”
No Eat: My Thoughts on “Warm Bodies”
Originally, I did not plan on seeing the film Warm Bodies. However, after continual recommendation from several friends, I decided to see what they were raving about. Synopsis: Warm Bodies is a romantic comedy-horror movie starring Nicholas Hoult and Teresa Palmer. R (Nicholas Hoult) is a highly unusual zombie. When he saves a human named Julie (Teresa Palmer), … Continue reading No Eat: My Thoughts on “Warm Bodies”
There’s No Safer Place in the World than Right Here with Me: My Thoughts on “Safe Haven”
On Valentine’s Day, I took my mother to see the newest big screen rendition of a Nicholas Sparks’ novel. Romantic movie on Valentine’s Day, totally unpredictable, right? Synopsis: Safe Haven is a romantic drama starring Julianne Hough and Josh Duhamel. Katie (Julianne Hough) is a young woman running away from a dark past when she ends … Continue reading There’s No Safer Place in the World than Right Here with Me: My Thoughts on “Safe Haven”
Butterbeer Frappuccino
I originally stumbled upon secret Starbucks recipes through Pinterest. However, recently I landed on a website dedicated solely to Starbucks Secret Recipes. You can find all sorts of recipes for indulgent frappuccinos on this site. I have decided to try some of these recipes and post my findings here. This process has been made slightly … Continue reading Butterbeer Frappuccino
Unspoken Grief
Grief is complicated, heart-wrenching, and if not tamed, grief can be all consuming. My grandmother passed away on January 15th, 2013 – the day before my birthday. She lived to be 101 years old, and she was the godliest woman I have ever met in my entire life. My pastor prayed over me, asking God … Continue reading Unspoken Grief