Synopsis: “The Amazing Spider-Man” is the story of an adolescent boy named Peter Parker who receives meta-human abilities through a genetically altered spider. In searching for the reason behind the disappearance of his parents, Peter stumbles upon Dr. Curt Conners, his father’s former partner. Peter gives Dr. Conners the missing formula he needs to accomplish … Continue reading We All Have Secrets: My Thoughts on “The Amazing Spider-Man”
A Refreshing Summer Day.
Today Starbucks had “Free Friday Refreshers.” From noon to three the Starbucks company gave away tall Cool Lime and Very Berry Hibiscus Refreshers. To me, free drinks sounds like a good day, especially for a college student without a job. At fifteen minutes to twelve, Josiah and I hopped in the car and started our … Continue reading A Refreshing Summer Day.
Captain Crunch Frappuccino
Through Pinterest, I stumbled upon a link leading to Starbucks’ “secret” menu. Intrigued, I began scanning the various items. While combinations such as the “Captain Crunch Frappuccino” sounded strange, others like “Snickers Frappuccino” sounded absolutely indulgent. I have determined to as many of these secret menu items as possible. Every time I receive a “free drink” … Continue reading Captain Crunch Frappuccino
I Never Belonged Anywhere Until I Met You: My Thoughts on “Enclave”
Enclave by Ann Aguirre is a Young Adult post-apocalyptic dystopian novel set in New York. The main character is a female named Deuce who is a Huntress in an underground enclave.When a “brat” turns fifteen, they take on one of three jobs: Hunter, Breeder, or Builder. Deuce becomes a Huntress whose purpose is to protect … Continue reading I Never Belonged Anywhere Until I Met You: My Thoughts on “Enclave”
The World is Full of Magic Things
Every June something magical happens. An entire world is created with a unique culture. Kids are indoctrinated into this culture through the singing of songs and the shouting of battle cries. After surviving a week in the wilderness, the children are given a blue bead and officially declared Missionary Kids. For one month out of … Continue reading The World is Full of Magic Things
They Cannot Take It: My Thoughts on “Pandemonium”
Pandemonium is the second book in a young adult dystopian trilogy series by Lauren Oliver. After finishing the novel, I immediately wanted to run to my computer and write this review; however, I restrained myself. I needed time to reflect and time for my emotions to settle. I want to write this review without going … Continue reading They Cannot Take It: My Thoughts on “Pandemonium”
Musical Muse: Young the Giant
My current muse, as far as music goes, is an alternative rock band called Young the Giant. Ironically, I discovered the band through a YouTube video which featured the song “Cough Syrup” sung by Darren Chris who plays the character Blaine on Glee. After listening to the video, I quickly looked up the original band … Continue reading Musical Muse: Young the Giant
A Week in Texas
I enjoyed spending the past week down in Texas with my family. My nephew and niece wake up crazy early! At first, I had trouble adjusting. I slept on the couch which is in the center of the living room, and everything happens in the living room. Interestingly enough, I found myself adapting to their schedule. … Continue reading A Week in Texas
Raisins, Cheddar, and Apples! Oh my!
I thought I’d try out a new grilled cheese recipe for dinner yesterday. The combination of ingredients intrigued me, and I always like trying new takes on old recipes. Cheddar Grilled Cheese and Apples on Raisin Bread Ingredients: 1 Green Apple cut into thin slices. 2 slices of Sharp Cheddar Cheese 2 slices of Raisin … Continue reading Raisins, Cheddar, and Apples! Oh my!
A Lucky Hit: My Thoughts on “The Lucky One”
Before I begin writing this review, I want to clarify that this a movie review and not a book review. I have not had a chance to read The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks; therefore, this review is based solely on my opinion of the film. I have no knowledge of the novel, and it is not … Continue reading A Lucky Hit: My Thoughts on “The Lucky One”