Hello Hurricane

Sometimes God blesses us with clear answers to our questions. God grants direct answers because He alone foresees the trials ahead. Humanity is fickle minded. God knows this. He made us. However, God predicts our unpredictable behavior. He plans for it. God gives us clear answers so that when trials hit and chaos unfolds, we can look back on those answers and know we’re on the right track.

I imagine myself standing in the midst of a terrible storm. Torrents of rain beat against my body. Hurricane winds whip against my face. I close my eyes, allowing the bitter cold to sends shivers down my spine. Tears trail down my cheeks, unnoticed in such a heavy downpour. I’m wandering, somewhat aimlessly, with only a vague idea of my destination. One step, two steps, three steps. I stop. An overwhelming feeling of failure sinks in, and I feel like giving up right there, throwing in the towel, turning back.

This is the chaos of life. In such chaos, it becomes difficult to remember the task ahead. We focus on the storm. Each drop of rain, the unbearable winds, our feet sinking into the muddy field – these are tangible to us. Our destination is not tangible and thus the destination is forgotten.

God’s answers are blessings. Clear answers shine through the darkness, through the chaos. Peter began sinking when he looked away from Christ. In such a storm, I feel like I am metaphorically sinking. My feet sink into the muddy field, I fall forward and mud oozes into my mouth, eyes and ears. A state of utter hopelessness ensues. At least, this is the case if my focus wanders from Christ. When we focus on the tasks, rather than the one who gave us those tasks, life becomes a frightening venture.

Where God sends, I will follow. I will praise God in the storm. I will lift my hands, for He is the one who calls, who sends. When trails come, I remember those God given answers. Clear, direct answers.

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Published by

Christina Jeter

Christina Jeter was born in Dallas, Texas. She graduated with a BA in English and Theatre. She has wanted to be an author since third grade. Writing is her passion.

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