Living Among Them: Observing the South Siders in their Natural Habitat
Many residing on the North side of campus are curious about the life of those living on the other side – the South Side or “the Dark Side” and many NorthSiders vow never to make the switch. I, however, being a brave NorthSider and only wishing to benefit my fellow NorthSiders have decided to undertake this task. Venturing to the South Side I hope to observe their ways and relay my findings to the curious North Siders. Perhaps my accounts will lead to a mutual understanding between the sides and some form of a peace treaty may develop. Regardless, I have decided to observe the South Siders in their natural habitat. Hopefully, by living among them, I will gain their trust and better observe their ways. Sacrifices must be made in the name of science. Wish me luck!
Side Note: This blog is meant purely for enjoyment. This is a humorous blog and nothing written under the heading of “Living Among Them” is to be taken seriously.